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Black Desert Large Cylinder Ruins Tree Knowledge

EditedJan 27, 2021, 19:13 (UTC)

# 1

Reposting this from the old Forums since I put a lot of work into this so it would be a shame to loose it! I might one day do this type of project again for the new revamped storylines, but we will see.


Now I don't know about you but I really have been trying hard to find the actual story in this game, as it is quite difficult to follow when it is rather disjointed! I could not find any kind of summary of the whole storyline from Calpheon to Drieghan and how it all ties in together ANYWHERE so I decided to write it myself!

Needless to say this whole threadwill contain massive spoilers for anyone interested in the main story.

EditedJan 27, 2021, 20:12 (UTC)

# 2

[Calpheon Story]Goma Naru is central city of Trading. Back when ships from Valencia would anchor in Naru, children would greet the merchants and fireworks would light the skies. Goma Naru was a thriving city of sailors and merchants and mercenaries. Little did they know what had just arrived into the harbor.

Could any of these people know about the Elision Stone? It is the mythical stone of the ancient civilization, which had long been hidden due to the dark power, but uncovered by a cult and brought to Goma Naru by ship.

A mysterious black shadowy smoke rose up over the horizon and headed straight for that merchants ship. The Elision Stone exploded in a cataclysmic event, destroying all of the city and everyone in it, wiping it from the face of the world.

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In the end there was no one left and that day was long forgotten.

'Dwelling over the past does no good, let us unite and define the future! An imperfect paradise, the realm of Humans, must be brought to completion. You are among a chosen few who resonate with us. We need you.

Are you awake now? I'm glad to see you up. You have always been my friend. I know you don't remember, but it will all come back to you soon. Now, let's get going. You and I clearly have a goal.

There is an underground stone chamber not far from here. That's our first destination. It's too dangerous for us to just go like this, but fortunately the town people are very kind. There is this guy named Akan over there, and we should go seek some help from him.'

You appear to have lost your memory and have woken up in a small town called Olvia. Akan sends you to Buntt the skill instructor who helps you to remember your skills in combat. After testing your skills on some local wildlife you hear that same voice again as a little spirit shrouded in black smoke appears before you.

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'Hey. Are you okay? Keh heh... I guess not. Well, no need to hurry. Our travels are just starting, right? Let's get on our way now. There is nothing to fear, as long as you're with me. We should first check out which one would be the easiest.'

The spirit goads you into testing out your strength on weasels, wolves and imps alike, until you come across the Western Guard Camp and a Guard by the name of Jamie. He suggests you meet Captain Cliff, advising you of the meeting protocol before you can get an audience with him.

After meeting several of the camps Officers, you get introduced to Cliff and then in-turn introduced to the Princess of Serendia, Jarette. The spirit stirs at this meeting.

'Huh? Did you hear that? I can feel a powerful energy from the south of the camp. The Stone Chamber that I mentioned before should be right around here. I think there might be something very valuable... But... It might be dangerous.'

Jarette informs you that she has sent some soldiers to this chamber and enlists your help to go and find an explorer named Edan who is researching the ancient stone chamber right now. After traversing the short walk from the camp up into the wooded hills you find the chamber. It is dusty and dimly lit, crowded with excavators chipping away at stone. You venture further in until you come across a circular room with a glowing cube entwined in ancient roots. Petrified figures surround it, with large murals adorning the walls. Edan is stood there with an elf called Orwen.

The Black Spirit detects a weird energy flow from the relics behind Edan in the deepest part of the Ancient Stone Chamber. The Spirit feels a sense of disharmony and urges you to investigate.

'You see the stone behind him? The stone is hiding something... It's not a pleasant aura, but it attracts me...Let's check out that stone.'

You touch the stone.

Suddenly the whole structure starts turning rapidly which startles Edan and Orwen, questioning if it is your presence that has 'activated' it. Orwen points at you, saying that even though it is weak, you are possessed by dark energy.

'Stay away from them'

Edan exclaimed that is has not awakened yet and that you must rid yourself of these hallucinations. Darkness clouds your visions and you become dizzy.

'They will ruin us'

Orwen holds a frantic Edan back while the stone behind them spins faster, shining brighter until there is only white light filling the room.

'Your life is at risk without me!'

It's as if time has stopped. You see the stone cracked to little pieces suspended in the air with the spirit nestled in the centre. A message burns in your mind:'The Awakened – Civilization – Holy Sacrifice – Seal – Pledge', who left this message? The stone explodes and then as time is reversed, is repaired back together.

A transformed spirit emerges, boasting of its new power. Edan informs you that it is the black energy that has destroyed your memory and that you should not get too close to the black illusion, for it does not have good intent.

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The stone should have locked the spirit inside, he advises, but instead it awakened it. He says you could learn a lot about the Ancients, who constructed the chamber and suggests you look closer at the murals around the walls.

Mural I:Two men stand apart, wielding swords. The man on the left is crowned in light. The man on the right emanates waves. They stand under the sun, 9 rays point down interspersed by 8 pairs of dots. The dots are stacked one on top of the other, alternating in solid and empty circles.
Etching: "Two "Edanas". A mysterious fight. Edana, the first Ancient to overcome his other self."

Mural II:  Edana stands crowned in light once more. He holds a small black stone in his palm. Several people gather before him on the left, gesticulating in praise, adoration, and prayer. Edana has become holy. To his right, a cluster of strange symbols like totems. Above, the full moon shines with many rays plunging downward. Each ray ends in a black stone. A single star shines in the left corner. Two cylinder shapes containing the number "8" on top of each other.
Etching: "Heaven's revelation, the disaster and the blessing of the Black Stones. Chief Edana leads the ancient Kabuas with his great power."

Mural III:Edana sits upon a throne, crowned in light and emanating light. Two people sit on his right and left, each holding black stones. They are garbed the same. Below, an equation, again the cylinder with "8". Followed by an arrowhead, waves (like those on Edana's other self), a black stone shooting 3 rays, food, an empty container, then two waves topped by a straight line.
Etching: "The merging of the Kabuas and the Barbarians. The meaning of the Black Stone. Little children listening to stories of Edana becoming the Guardian of the Black Stones."

Mural IV:Four people mourn, the two on the left stand on a platform. Between them, four offerings of food. Edana, crowned in light, lies on a table buried under stones. A black stone sits right above his heart.
Etching: "Kabua sages mourn. Edana buried in Black Stones. Light disappears."

Mural V:Edana sits up on the table, holding the black stone in his palm. Light emanates from his head once more. Above left, an altar followed by waves. I'm starting to think the waves symbolize some kind of black stone power. Above right, two people prostrating.
Etching: "Edana's second life after resurrecting from death. Kabua sages stand in awe."

After taking your leave of the ancient stone chamber and breathing fresh air once more, the spirit guides you towards a little man called Uno near an open cave. He also can sense the black energy within you and speaks of other monsters wishing to harness the black energy that plagues the world.

'Forget about what he just said. It's a ploy to break us apart! I'm certain! Anyways, did he mention the huge Imps? I think I know who it is. I can see very deep and very far. Would you believe me if I showed you? But beware. What I will show you is real. It may kill you. Hehe, don't tell me you're afraid. The choice is yours. Go to a quiet place. It shouldn't be summoned just anywhere.'

You take the scroll the spirit gives you and wonder down a cliff path until sand touches your feet and waves nip at your heels. You begin to read.

With a mighty roar and gust of wind a huge Imp crawls out of a seeping black whirlpool that has appeared before your very feet. The fight was long and unlike any you had come across, but ultimately ended in the monsters defeat.

Commenting on your success, the spirit speaks of a coastal town just up the road. You decide to investigate.

There you meet the sage and alchemist Alustin, who notes that the power resting inside you is leading your path and altering your fate. Something, he says, you will have to accept. You have a long journey ahead which will be full of hardships, so Alustin gives you a tour of the fishing town and introduces you to villagers who restock your supplies.

'We must leave this place for a while now. I feel a new energy in the south. Are you sad? Don't tell me you're gonna do a tedious thing like saying goobye...'

You make for the Heidel Gateway. After being put in contact with a series of Dwarves in the quarry on the outskirts of the City, you are finally put in contact with the storage manager, Amerigo. He said that in order to live in Heidel, you have to get along with Bobby Lauren, who holds immense commercial power there. You head to meet Bobby Lauren at the Inn in the southern part of town.

He updates you on the recent power struggle between the lands of Serendia and Calpheon as well as a recent peasant revolt. Before the war with Calpheon, Serendia was lead from Heidel Castle by a monarchy. Crucio Domongatt was the last to be made King before the war forced him to step down to Lordship. All diplomatic and political affairs must be conducted through Calpheon and their government.

At the moment, the leading figure in Heidel seems to be the Grand Chamberlain, Jordine Ducas, who is secretly plotting against Calpheon. Jordine is respected and followed by most Heidelians, they support his views and his stance, and some are even willing to start a second war against Calpheon. Jordine strongly believes that Calpheon is choking Heidel and Serendia to their death.

You deliver a letter to the Grand Chamberlain Jordine on behalf of Bobby Lauren and he sends you on further errands to gain your trust. You meet with Alustin again and discover some servants of shadow lurking on a nearby farm in the form of bewitched pumpkins. Alustin believes there is a shadow servant lurking in Heidel and that you should keep a close eye on what is happening there.

'You know, imps are good prey. You humans live on food. I live on dark energy. If you get my meaning, then let's go to where the Altar Imps are. You can't do anything about that Servant of Darkness anyway, can you?'

The spirit stirs hungrily and urges you to kill nearby altar imps. After defeating the leader of the Imps, Bheg, who abandoned his people and was banished to Wizards Altar, forever to be branded a traitor – the black spirit stirs again.

'It's been getting on my nerves, that thing over there that looks like a tower. I can feel traces of the Servants of Darkness over there. I'm certain that they want the same thing I do. Let's go over there for now. Let's check out what that strange energy is. Hurry and go up.'

Some uncanny energy was detected from the top of the Wizard's Altar. The energy is similar to that from the Ancient's Stone Chamber, yet they are also different.

Upon climbing to the top of the tower, you see a large black dragon statue that is roaring ferociously to the sky. You feel compelled to touch it.

A black dragon sealed away… did they really exist? The black spirit enters your vision, his pearly white teeth gleaming in the sunlight.

'I feel a strong power here'

An unknown voice screams as it passes above….the illusion of the black spirit….A sacrifice from the realm beyond… a vanished civilization… the awakened…the will of the ancients.

Someone is trying to convey something with this message. You feel dizzy again as black smoke clouds your vision and words echo in your ears. The black spirit transforms again and looks back at the dragon statue.

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'I know who sealed this. It existed in this world from time beginning…. And now I'll regain my lost power through you.'

You question the spirit about your identity, and why it has attached itself to you.

'Hehe, now you want your memory back? You want to know what you did before you met me? Did you really forget our contract? Until our journey ends, your memories are mine, remember?'

Disturbed, you head back to the city of Heidel to meet with Cruhorn Wyrmsbane about your achievements with taking out the altar imps. He informs you of rebel action affecting Eastern Gateway and sends you in investigate.

After eliminating the majority of the rebel threat you get directed to speak to Rolenai who has some information about the supposed rebel leader, Al Rhundi.

EditedJan 27, 2021, 20:13 (UTC)

# 3

Rolenai claims that Al Rhundi is not a rebel. He came this far for the peasants, and he completely distrusts Hervano Tito. Rolenai said that Tito, who was once a friend of Al Rhundi, would now betray his friends for money and power. He thinks it's ominous that Al Rhundi's Hawk, which has never left Al Rhundi's side before, flew to the Eastern Gateway recently.

Now you are at a crossroads at what to do. The captain of the Gateway, Hervano Tito, has asked you to eliminate Al Rhundi, although you suspect he is only after the bounty and Rolenai wants you to give a false report to the captain, pretending you have killed him.

You decide to fake the report and secretly let Al Rhundi go, which thankfully the Captain takes at face value. You return to Heidel.

After resolving the situation at the Eastern Gateway, Cruhorn Wyrmsbane regards your ability very highly and tells you to go meet Jordine, Heidel's Grand Chamberlain, since you might be helpful to him.

Pleased with your progress in the city, Jordine sends you to Glish, a marshland town in Serendia, to look at an issue they are having about drinking water. The town is located southwest of Heidel, though it was originally built further to the east. The first town, now referred to as "Old Glish," merely exists as a ruin nowadays. The people of the original town evacuated it in order to avoid the invading Fogan. After the villagers had settled in the new town, an explosion destroyed the original Glish, leaving only Fogan casualties and mysterious mud beings that appeared after the dust had settled.

Glish was founded by merchants from Keplan and Calpheon, though it has never become a heavily populated settlement. The town remains a quiet place with a mysterious atmosphere. Glish is now famous for its Naga craftworks, a tradition artists from Glish are trying to keep alive by making sculptures and other crafts. During the original days of Glish, trade was flourishing and a commemorative coin was made. It is now known as a "Glish Ruins Coin," and is favored among collectors.

According to a man passing by the village, many of the original townsfolk used to practice Alchemy but have stopped for some reason. He recalls the previous chief, Donatt and claims that the current chief of Glish, Freharau, is much kinder. Donatt and Freharau supposedly had their differences of opinion, though they were close friends. The previous chief of Glish attempted to go down a dark path before the original town ceased to exist. Some blame Donatt's pursuits for the explosion that destroyed Old Glish and the appearance of the mud creatures.

At the request of villagers, you battle the surrounding Naga population, which has taken over the marshland around Glish, along with the black stone extraction mill. However, there is an uncanny energy at the centre of the Mill that you feel drawn too.

You see Edan, from the Ancient Stone Chamber, fighting the Nagas and a Shai girl helping a wounded worker.

'This power is familiar. Isn't it? Edan is fighting the Nagas... Why do Humans repeat such meaningless quarrels? Always full of misunderstanding and hatred toward each other. I do not have such emotions. Except...... frustration, or... regret...... hmm. You got what I said? Hurry, let's go! Forget the Nagas, we gotta survive first!'

He is fighting a large black Naga, trying to reason with it while it gurgles back in response. Can he understand it? A huge stone, similar to the one in the Ancient Stone Chamber is in the middle of the clearing, emitting a low hum and spinning slowly.

During the fight a necklace is dropped, which Edan asks you to pick up. It burns brightly in your hand and suddenly you can understand the Naga's speech.

He speaks of his race being driven out of the desert by Fogans, and that the ancient stone that they are fighting over draws them in, as it is the only power to restore the Naga's homeland. Edan tries to tell the Naga that the artefacts power is only of destruction, not salvation.

'Wrong again! It's my power!'

The black spirit shoots inside the artefact, cracking it into pieces which make the Naga and Edan look at it in shock. The Naga jumps furiously at the artefact but time is frozen once more. You hear faint screaming and whispering in your ears.

A flaw in the black stone…a journey…the loss of memory… downfall…repeated messages from the ancients…the messages have become fragmented over time…

The spirit shoots out of the artefact and it is resumed to its original state. He is larger now and more ominous.

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'The Ancients are long gone. You must follow me, and me alone. The sole path to power is through me!'

The spirit directs you to kill more Naga's with this increased power and then you set your sights on Glish again. After gaining the trust of the townsfolk you start to learn more about the secrets of Glish that everyone is very silent about. You are directed to the ruins of old Glish, to find out why the previous Chief was obsessed with eternal alchemy and experimented on Fogans. Was he corrupt by Black Energy?

After investigating the ruined town and eliminating the strange mudster creatures, you find all that is left of the previous Chief Donatt, his will. This concludes your time in Glish and you move onwards to the Southern Guard Camp.

Here, at the request of soldiers, you help join the fight against the invading Fogans. After taking out their forces the Black Spirit speaks of the need to break the spirits of the Fogans that drove out the Nagas and tells you to face the leader of the Fogans, Titium. Like all other leaders, you defeat him.

'Neither Fogans nor Nagas will dare come near you, at least for a while. Rumors about you have spread among them. By the way, have you heard those soldiers? They said some monastery has been occupied by the Cultists, and one of them is there undercover. What is she doing there undercover? Doesn't that sound suspicious to you? Usually, a Monastery is a rather safe place, right?'

As directed by the spirit, you make your way to the monastery shrouded in pines at the base of the Serendia Mountains.

Annalynn, the undercover soldier at the monastery, said that the Cultists have recently been kidnapping townspeople for some reason, and she wants to know what orders they received.

The orders you find talk of an offering to the Altar of Blood, which makes Annalynn uneasy because it has the seal of Kzarka, the Lord of Corruption on it. After defeating Muskan, leader of the Cultists you then go to Serendia Shrine.

You meet a contact there by the name of Hakkon, who believes that the cultist goal is to resurrect Kzarka deep within Serendia Shrine using the large altar of blood at the base of the mountain. Luckily, they have not succeeded as of yet. You report this information back to the Chief of Glish.

Next you turn your sights to Southwestern Gateway where you complete tasks there for the soldiers such as clearing out some intruding wildlife and monsters before they send you on to the vast Red Orc Camp and Briaghi Den where you continue to fight for Serendia. The Black Spirit is encouraging you to grow stronger all the way.

Eventually you are summoned back to Heidel to see Crucio Domongatt who is impressed with your recent efforts, naming you the Hero of Serendia. He advises that you meet with Romano at the northwestern gateway for a briefing. Curious, you do as told and head back to the Extraction Mill.

Romano explains that it is the Extraction Mill that is actually polluting the water of Glish, that has been constructed there by Calpheon. Due to the treaty and ongoing political conflicts, the Lord's hands are tied as to what he can do about it however it seems that Jordine has sought darker paths out to take matters into his own hands. The Lord signed a letter authorizing for Calpheon to arrest Jordine for his betrayal, resulting in an agngered, corrupted Jordine fleeing.

While having this conversation, the Black Spirit senses a familiar energy from the Watchtower, which is just over the ravine from the Mill. The spirit thinks the source of the energy must be the master of the Servants of Darkness. The same creatures that were possessing the pumpkins in the farm near Heidel?

'Keh heh.. What the heck are they up to? Is this what they call politics? I don't think I'll need to report anything to that Lord whatever-his-name-is. We should follow the traces of Jordine. Keh heh.. Shadow Knights? That watchtower over there is home to the Shadow Knights. They've been around for as long as anyone can remember. Maybe about as along as I've been around. I didn't get what I was hoping, but... You know, Light and darkness are not something you can control. And they will never cease to be.'

The Shadow Knights are soul harvesters, dark beings that will keep coming back to life no matter how many times you kill them. You explore the cave under the watchtower; there is an open coffin there and a blood stained floor. Something horrible must have happened there.

Edan and his party is here, they were trying to stop Jordine from resurrecting Belmorn, the Monarch of Darkness and leader of the Shadow Knights but it went horribly wrong. All that is left now is Belmorn's empty coffin, which seems to unnerve the Black Spirit, and Edan's party scattered and injured with Belmorn party resurrected using Jordine's body as a host.

'I think we've seen everything to see in Serendia now. I'm not sure what Jordine will do, but let's go on our own path. There, high up there, it looks like someone is angry. I don't know exactly what this feeling is. Let's go check it out. I think it'll be fun.'

You travel past Braghi Den and into the majestic Delphine Knights Castle that is built upon a huge cliff, over a deep ravine. It is currently under siege by Harpies so you get tied in to help with the battle. After multiple errands to control the Harpy population, you move on to battle the Khuruto's force, the other side of the valley, continually gaining trust with Calpheon forces for your effort.

He it is discovered that the unrest with the Harpies and Khuruto's has actually been incited by the possessed Jordine and his Shadow army. He confronts the captain of Delphine Knights Castle and declares war on Calpheon.

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EditedJan 27, 2021, 20:15 (UTC)

# 4

You head to Calpheon City.

With a history of the black plague wiping out most of Calpheon, with remnants of it still around today, Calpheon has suffered a difficult history. There was a world struggle for Black Stones in the not so distance past. A struggle which saw a previous Calpheon King lead The Army of the Black Desert deep into the Valencia desert to claim that power as his own, an expedition, which ultimately ended in his death with natural disasters wiping across the surface of the world.

Civil war then ensued with the new King and neighbouring nations, which also ended in his death putting an end to the Calpheon Monarchy. Now, there is an unstable treaty that it seems to be hanging in the balance due to Jordine's corruption and Calpheon is now ran as a Republic, by the heads of the noble houses.

After being given a tour around the different districts of the city, you are turned away from seeing the council. You feel the spirit stirring at this rejection.

You hear reports of an Injured explorer near Karanda Ridge, so you go to investigate, thinking it might be Edan from the Watchtower. He is hidden in the hillside being treated by the same Shai from the Naga's, called Yaz.

Edan explains that Belmorn, The Monarch of Darkness has only partially been resurrected and is enacting his will to cover the world in dark through Jordine's revenge on Calpheon. Yaz reveals that they are from The Secret Guards, a group of people protecting the world's secrets from falling into the wrong hands so it is their duty to stop Belmorn. They tell you that the darkness growing within you is no different from the evil in Belmorn.

'Lies! He speaks nothing but filthy lies! Trust me! You will die if you remove me! You will DIE! You will…'

Edan tells you that you still have a chance to rid yourself of the evil, and that Belmorn is after you as your powers are the same nature. They tell you to find their companion, Orwen, who has gone looking for an alchemist called Gorgath somewhere in Northern Wheat Plantation.

After speaking to Martha Kiyen at the farm you ascertain that Gorgath is at the Contaminated Farm. There is another servant of darkness here, which you quickly dispose off. Gorgath has gone to his friends in the Holy College to seek advice about what to do about Belmorn.

The Black Spirit feels the evil energy of an Ellonian Priest Saint Bipache, and suggests that you go to the Refugee Camp, which is near the Contaminated Farm, following in Orwen's footsteps.

There are a lot of sick people here, mixed in with a dark energy. The infected are like zombies. Jordine, or rather Belmorn has been taking advantage of this by using the refugees as sacrifices for his hunger of souls. Jordine is converting the sick into his followers.

You hear word that Orwen has gone to the Calpheon Holy College to catch up with Gorgath. You follow suit.

Gorgath is there on a balcony, over looking the setting sun over Calpheon with Alustin and Freharau, the Chief of Glish, discussing the situation. They summarise that they need something to counteract the darkness. Orwen suggests there is an Undying Light that used to protect Humanity in Ancient Times. This light was released by the Origins of clear Water, Earth and Crimson Flame. The local priests refer to this as the Light of Ellion and much of their faith is based around it.

Alustin sighs and states that he made an oath never to awaken it, and then reveals that he is the guardian of the Origin of Crimson Flame.

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Alustin pleads for its aid once more and it instructs you to awaken the other two Origins and combine them, to reveal the light to combat the darkness.

Orwen heads to Florin to find someone called Caphras who has done much research on the Origin of Clear Water, so you follow suit.

After talking to the townsfolk you realise something serious has happened to Orwen in a strange cave near Florin. She was attacked and her soul branded with darkness by Belmorn himself. She is currently being treated and cared for by the Shai's of Florin, who are hiding her from Belmorn. She will recover, but it will take time.

You investigate the cave where Orwen was attacked and find a hidden Labatory of Caphras, the person researching the Origin of clear Water. There is a document you find that you believe to show the location, but you cannot read it. You go to Bree Tree ruins to find someone who can.

The overgrown and twisted forest has lots of hidden ancient architecture, like the Secret Stone Chamber. You find Martha Kiyen and her excavation team already at the ruins with Edan, and as if by luck they have discovered the Origin of Earth.

You give the document you found to Martha and she says it reveals that the Origin of Clear Water is somewhere near Glutoni Cave, near Keplan, but first the Black Spirit takes your attention.

There is a cave that the spirit directs you to, with a familiar energy calling you. It is said that people who approach the Bree Tree lose their minds, but that won't stop you.

'You realise you are getting stronger, right?'

As you venture further in the cave, and through from fake walls you are attacked by two large ancient looking constructs. These things are still active? You destroy them both.

You come into a circular room with roots hanging from the ceiling and walls. There is a large stone artefact in the centre of the room, which is suspended mid-air and spinning.

You reach out to touch it.

The artefact has become fragmented over time and seems incomplete. The Ancient Defenders who guard the ruins have stopped moving. The Black Spirit appears and pokes one.

'They are all frozen. Well I'd be bored stiff too after all this time.'

The ancient construct draws it's weapon at the spirits touch, shouting that it is not the chosen one and should be gone, but the spirit shoots inside the glowing light of the artefact. The stone begins to recede into itself to cover the ball of light. A familiar echo…

Darkness… the other half of mankind…desire…newly born…hope…Fragmented messages of the ancients…Suddenly the artefact crumbles and the Black Spirit drops to the floor, transformed again and taking the stone as its armour. It is much larger now.


'Mwahaha...It's all too easy.'

The Black Spirit murmurs to you that Jordine has been inciting more followers in his war against Calpheon, so you go to check out the Anti Troll Fortification. After assisting with soldiers there and joining the fight to hold the troll forces at bay you discover that Jordine made a deal with the ancient trolls frozen in stone to release them from their fate on the condition that they follow him.

Jordine's corruption is everywhere. After helping all you can with the troll situation, you get sent to Trina Fort to aid with the battle against the Saunil's. However a dark energy is coming from that battlefield.

Hiding amongst the rocks and broken siege weapons, you see Jordine talking to himself.

He seems to be having a conversation with Belmorn about his plans to take over Calpheon but Belmorn reveals his true plan to take over the world. Jordine's will is finally broken and Belmorn completely takes over his body.

In a wave of dark energy, he summons a great black dragon from the skies. He sets it upon Trina Knights Fort, instructing it to burn the battlefield to ashes. The sight of the dragon can be seen for miles all around Calpheon. You help out as much as you can.

The Black Spirit senses a special power from Keplan. You go to Glutoni Cave to find the Origin of Clear Water, it is not far from Trina Knights Fort.

You find the cave, with high walls and a large gaping hole in the celling, letting the daylight shine down. Strange creatures are all around in the foliage and before you is a bright, bubbling fountain of water.

The Origin of Clear Water suggests that you confront the Glutonis and get the Core of Clear Water if you want to borrow his power. You succeed in your test and head to Keplan to meet Yaz who is with an injured Edan. You show her the Origin of Clear water and she immediately takes you to the three alchemists.

They offer their thanks for your help in saving this world, commenting that you are destined for greatness. They combine all three Origins and the Ancient Light is revealed to illuminate the darkest hour.

'Although a bit uncomfortable, we cannot let the world collapse like this! Belmorn must disappear. For you and me. Let's hurry!If we use that light, Belmorn will be weakened! That's the chance so we destroy it! We can do it. We are strong enough.'

You give chase to Belmorn through parts of Calpheon you have not yet seen, past Saunil Camp to a tranquil green area new a pond.

Using the Ancient Light and a long battle, you defeat him.

Immediately, the Black Spirit senses that the last of the artefacts like you have come across before is on top of the Beacon Tower above Trina Knights Fort. That is the last of its power.

Dutifully you travel there, slowly as you are weakened after your fight with Belmorn.

The Black Spirit congratulates you on your defeat of Belmorn and upon seeing the triangular artefact becomes excited, urging you to activate it however a dark force interrupts you.

It's Orwen, she is possessed by Belmorn!

With glowing red eyes she laughs and says that if you activate the artefact it will completely resurrect Belmorn and if you don't, Orwen will die.

Orwen gains consciousness slightly and screams at you to use the necklace Edan gave you – the one you still have from all the way back at Naga's to hear them speak. With the power of Edana's Necklace, you can expel Belmorn in his weakened state. The artefact behind you explodes and a surge of dark energy streams out, heading for Belmorn.

Panicked by this, you deny the Black Spirit of the artefacts power by throwing Edana's Necklace onto the floor. In a blinding light it absorbs both Belmorn and the power from the artefact.

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Orwen is left unconscious, but alive and Jordine is standing over her. Belmorn is gone for good. Jordine explains to us that he does not regret a thing and his revenge still stands for Calpheon, walking away. You let him go.

It is finally over.

It seems Edan and his party headed for Epheria, so you travel to the ocean side town to catch them up. There you see the three alchemists, Gorgath, Alustin and Freharau along with Edan and his party boarding a large ship.

They are going to the land of Mediah as The Secret Guards have gotten word of something afoot there….

...maybe you will see them again.

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EditedJan 27, 2021, 20:16 (UTC)

# 5

[Mediah Story]The black energy that you are carrying leads you to Mediah. Past Heidel and up a winding road where the green landscape turns dryer and the sun seems somewhat hotter. You get drawn to a large walled city, littered in black and red design.

You meet a Shai called Sirare who informs you that the people of Mediah know all about black energy and its existence and explains that it may have been because of the recent disaster that plagued the lands of Mediah.

Mediah was prospering in the trade of Black stones with Valencia, enjoying a time of peace. Yet all good things come to an end and even Mediah, in its prime, had to surrender to the force of natural disasters. Continuous sandstorms and drought forced the Barbarians to abandon their villages in the highlands and beyond the deserts. Many of them migrated to Mediah where the devastation was less severe. Not long after the magma cave and mines were abandoned due to various incident and accidents including attacks from Barbarians.

The Median Merchant Union started to use their fortune they've amassed between Calpheon and Valencia for building up a city.

Not before long Mediah, which previously didn't have any place to act as a focal point, had a capital city Altinova. Once Altinova was lined with fortifications, merchants and villagers from all over Mediah started to flock to the capital. The savages that have been a problem was strangely quite during this time and all was still within Mediah except for Altinova.

It was during that time the discreet movements occurred throughout the outskirts of Mediah. No one would have imagined the chaos that followed.

The beginning of the disaster can be traced back to Tarif.

A small village located in the western region of Mediah next to the Junad River, Tariff was a secluded gathering of Sorcerers who had no interest in the outside world. About 300 years ago, the Sorcerer Cartian lead a group of Sorcerers from the east and settled in Mediah and named the town to mean 'Sacrifice'.

The rules of Tarif were based around the tome of Cartian, which she left before her death. Within this tome lies the power and vows a sorcerer must keep. But the power of the tome became too much of a burden. The ones who inherited the tome were unable to handle the power within and became physically or mentally damaged. And thus a new tome was written and the original was sealed away.

Each new leader of the village, who was chosen by being the next most powerful sorcerer, added a new layer to the seal so that the power of the indestructible tome will never be released.

There was a young sorceress in Tarif by the name of Illezra who committed the ultimate taboo by going after the power of the original tome of Cartian. Ilezra recklessly gained the power within the tome and was gravely injured in the process but was able to barely escape the village.

Illezra then rallied the Elric cultists, followers of Kzarka, to overpower the Barbarians. Together with Illezra they created the Three Days of Darkness and a black fog engulfed the whole region with a loud explosion.

Mediah castle went up in flames at the hands of Illezra. Media was engulfed in total darkness for three days straight, which was known as the Three Days of Darkness. Without the sun or moon, people were only able to rely on a torch and tremble in fear. Altinova was no exception. Some became aggressive and others ran out of the city screaming. The only light they saw was the flames of the burning Media castle.

It was no surprise that the ailing monarchy fell during this time. There were some who grieved over the death of Bareeds II yet no one rejoiced at the news of the youngest prince's survival. Illezra disappeared without a trace only leaving various speculations of her identity.

There were rumours that Illezra has once again appeared. A group of savages who wore black capes and spoke in human tongue came from the abandoned mine and entered Altinova, claiming it theirs while invoking the name of Illezra.

Following these groups of savages, the vicious Sezec Hunters swarmed in to Altinova. You see them in almost every street now. The once orderly Altinova was thrown in Chaos. The Mediah Merchants Union was in no position to force the savages out but also had no intentions of welcoming them. So started the uneasy coexistence within the city walls of Altinova, the coexistence you have just walked into.


You take your time to wonder the small, winding streets of this new city.

You noticed something strange about the atmosphere near the children. The children of Altinova said they are suffering from repetitive dreams. Ajure Benkum, one of the children, asked you to meet his mother, Lucy Benkum, and tell her about the dream of Altinova disappearing every day.

You find the child's Mother, who dismisses the story of the dream. Instead she says she is more concerned about the suspicious activities of the Barbarians, something that the children have also told her about. She sends you to investigate.

Lucy Benkum said to go visit Neruda Shen, the leader of the Shen Merchants Guild and the Mediah Merchants Union, who built Altinova to tell him in person about the merchant's uneasiness about the suspicious activity of the Barbarians. In reply to your message he speaks of barbarians to the south, which are threatening a small town called Abun, near the large Abandoned Iron Mine.

Because of the threat, there has been a large influx of refugees from Abun to Altinova so Neruda Shen hires you as a mercenary to sort the problem out.

After helping out some of the local merchants and the city blacksmith, you head to the town in trouble.

It is very clear that the town of Abun is dying and there will be nothing left once all the villagers leave. The refuges talk of villagers being taken into the mine by the barbarians and used as slaves to mine for black stones. They have gone though a horrific ordeal and lost many loved ones.

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You help a villager who had been hiding in the mine, together you discover that the barbarians are indeed looking for black stones. You steal one and take it back to Altinova, after helping the town of Abun as much as you can.

After speaking to some of the merchants about the Barbarians black stone, Neruda Shen instructs you to take it to Tarif so you travel there.

Tarif is a strange town with a magical atmosphere. Constructs made to look like your black spirit are being wheeled up and down the town by children while sorcerers of all ages float in corners practising their skills while crows fly overhead. The constructs pull you in with a feeling of dark energy, could they actually be real Black Spirits like your own? This town seems very ominous to you.

You meet Ahon Kirus, the Chief of Tarif.

After speaking to some of the townsfolk that name, Ilezra, is mentioned again. Everyone there seems to have a deep-seated hatred of her.

Ahon Kirus said she helped Illezra a few years ago when she was having trouble in the town. But Ahon said she didn't know Illezra wanted the Book of Cartian that was sealed in Tarif or that Illezra had run away. She told you that Ilezra had come to Tarif a few years ago badly injured, so they took her in and treated her, letting her stay.

Ahon Kirus says that Allan Serbin wants to meet you and it'd be better to hear the detailed story about the forbidden book from him. She leads you to a painting hanging on a stone wall near the centre of the town.

It talks to you. Startled, you listen to what the painting has to say.

He says that he is sealed within the frame because his body was destroyed when he sealed the original book of Cartian and her Scythe. Allan Serbin founded Tarif with the great sorcerer Cartian, so when she left he tried to seal the book of her power under the Scuffling Letusa tree in the centre of Tarif so that no corrupt hands could touch it.

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He advises that no one of this earth should have access to that kind of power, so it remains sealed away under the large tree.

Ahon Kirus says Ilezra is not the vessel of power and that she must be stopped before she gets stronger. She looks at your pointedly and says that the evil of the black spirit can only be solved by the Legend of Edana and the book of Cartian. Does she know about the dark energy possessing you?

She tells you to go the Ancient Fissure and meat an elder of the Secret Guards.

'How long are you going to listen to others? Am I not a good adviser for you? There are much more interesting things than following that old man. The power inside the Bautt Lithograph, for example. Do you understand? I am the only adviser who can benefit you.'

You travel to The Ancient Fissure, carved into the side of a cliff face. The Dwarves' Bautt Lithograph of Dwarf stands in its place, unlit. You can feel the spirit pulling at your insides.

You speak to the Dwarf in charge of the site and the elder you were sent to find, Ain Greid. He tells you that Edan is in Mediah at another excavation site close to here. You go and find him.


EditedJan 27, 2021, 20:20 (UTC)

# 6

After completing some favours for the excavation site Manager, you finally catch up to Edan.

He tells you that the ruins were destroyed by Ilezra and that the Secret Guards heard about the situation in Mediah and that it spread so fast that everyone turned all their attention away from Calpheon. Edan wants to restore the Dwarves' Bautt Lithograph Protection to prevent Ilezra from destroying the ruins again. He also notes that if we can get help from the descendants of the Ancients, the black energy that has possessed you may well be removed.

Excited by this, you rush to the contact at Helms Post that Edan has given you. After running some errands for him, the Dwarf tells you of the large ancient looking Giant Lightstone's that surround Helms Post. There is a way to enhance the Bautt Protection through these stones – he asks you to confirm his theory.

You take this critical bit of information back to the elder of the Secret Guards who is at the Ancient Fissure. As a reward for your efforts, he hands you a small token of Edana, explaining that it may hold some truths about the spirit that has taken you over when you combine it with others.

Ain Greid explained that there are various descendants of the Ancients in Mediah. The Giants get along with the Dwarf descendants. He informs you that their Dark Chasers are currently hunting Ilezra and that if you aid them they might be able to offer you another token.

You head to northern Mediah to find them.

You speak to Tantu, the leader of the giants. He says they travelled through the plains of Calpheon to get here. After being rejected by the Giant tribe there due to a conflicts about going to war with Calpheon, they made their own home in Mediah and were welcomed by the Ancient Dwarves.

Tantu said there is a group called Dark Chasers, selected from among Giants who excel at combat, who work to punish enemies of the Giant clan. Right now they are hunting Ilezra who has been bringing disaster to Mediah.

You meet with one of them in Elric Monastery and uncover a spell the cultists are trying to weave with small spell trees that look exactly like the Scuffling Letusa in Tarif, where the book of Cartian is sealed. Another disaster like the Three Days of Darkness cannot be allowed to happen again.

Dark Chaser Sanahan said one of his subordinates is disguised as a Cultist inside the Monastery and he said he would hide a document with information about the Cultist's whereabouts at a prearranged spot. You go and find the Secret Letter from the Dark Chaser on a bookshelf in Elric Monastery.

The secret letter details a plot that Ilezra is trying to summon a dark being into this world called the Skeleton King. This has to be stopped. You report this immediately back to the leader of the Giants, Tantu.

Tantu gives you a monumental task. He gives you the tools to summon the Skeleton King yourself. If you can defeat him it will break the spell Illezra has over Elric's Monastery and will disconnect her spirit. Unfortunately, the Dark Chasers were unable to find Illezra, but this will deal a great blow to her.

You go to one of the mock Scuffling Letusa trees and summon the monster.


It was hideous, crawling out of a dark cesspool of darkness and letting an almighty roar into the night.

You destroy it.

Upon its death, the sky seems to clear and lightness returns over the long dark monastery. You head back to Tantu.

He thanks you profusely, saying that Illezra's evil energy is starting to evaporate. He hands you a token of Edana – it's the other half to the one the Dwarves gave you.

Tantu said that the Edana Token that is shared by the descendants of Dwarves and Giants was already in two pieces. To bring them together, you will need help from the elf Saint Herawen of Kamasylve Temple.

You travel to a temple hidden in the trees right on the border of Mediah, filled with bright white light from a magnificent tree in the centre. You speak to Saint Herwen.

She tells you that when the tokens are complete, you will gain the wisdom of Edana, the first Ancient and with that you can learn the truth about the parasite of your mind, the Black Spirit.

It looks like the Black Spirit is helping you, but it's dangerous that it's encroaching on your own spirit. If you know its true intentions, it'll get even more dangerous. You seek for help from the Kamasylve Temple; with the elves there giving their thanks for all you did in Calpheon for their kinswoman Orwen.

They inform you that the Book for Cartian could control the black spirit and send you back to Tarif to speak to Ahon Kirus and to show her the Token of Edana that you have been given.

Ahon Kirus explained that after the disasters in Mediah and the Three Days of Darkness, everyone knows about the black spirits. After that incident, some show signs of mental illness because of the black energy.

She tells you that they have successfully managed to embody the invisible black spirit due to the book of Cartian, making it a tangible being in this world and not just a vision you see alone. She says that the people in Tarif have a different perspective about all this and they are not necessarily trying to serve the Ancients' will, as their history is actually too short for such a thing. The only thing certain is that without Cartian, the great sorceress, Tarif wouldn't exist. She gives you the last token.

Nervous, you run to a quiet location near the ocean. Combining all three tokens you feel an almighty gust of wind and the sky darkens. A dark fog descends before you and a huge monster appears, like a transformed version of your black spirit.

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He cackles manically at you, but you take your chance to smite him down.

You defeat him in combat and his materialised carcass disintegrates into the ground before you.

You feel a familiar pull of energy and the hallucinations of the black spirit appear before you again, but it is smaller now, much smaller.

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'...Wait. You won. Well... We're still friends, right? I don't even have the strength to fight... I can't do anything without you. You won't ditch me, right? You still need me, right? We're going to go to Valencia together! Heehee... We're still friends.'

You feel the cold pang of dread hit your stomach. Will you ever be free of the Black Spirit?

EditedJan 27, 2021, 20:21 (UTC)

# 7

[Valencia Part 1 Story]

'Hey, hey! Look at me! Ignoring me now, huh? You think you're something? Anyway, I have a new idea for you. You've heard about some sand land in the east, right? I'm sure you have; that kingdom called Valencia. Now that we've matured enough, why don't we go there and experience some new stuff? Alrighty, then! We're heading to Altinova Gate. Some human there might be able to guide us.'

You've grown strong enough, and Black Spirit wants you to go to Valencia for a new chapter in the adventure. You make the journey through Altinova and down to where a low bridge is being gently lapped at by the ocean tide. Giant looming cliffs of sandstone and rock are before you.

You meet a trader by the gate who tells you that a rare item being carried by an armed merchants guild all the way to the great Valencia city. Thinking you will have a better chance of getting to this city with the guild, you go to Rock Post just up the dusty path to find them.

It looks like the trade merchants who were crossing Taphtar Plain ran into some trouble. You go to investigate.

It looks like they suffered a brutal attack. These are dangerous areas, could it have been the local Centaurs? Further investigation of the bodies of merchants and elephants confirms your theory.

There is a survivor among the traders. He says they are from the Harnan Merchant Guild, the largest in Valencia. The survivor worries more about the trade goods on an elephant than his life so you go to check on the goods that were meant for the Valencian Prince. The crate is empty.

The survivor passed away before you could tell him of your findings so instead you go back to Rock Post to alert someone of what has happened. You get sent to wipe out some Basilisks near the outpost, as they seem even more likely to be behind the attack than the Centaurs.

You go to Gorgo Crag and enter the tall ruins in the cliff, slaying Basilisks in your wake. You see captured survivors of the merchant's guild and rescue who you can. Some had been turned horrifically to stone by the creatures so there was not much you could do to them. You go to find the captured leader of the guild further in the ruins.

The kidnapped procession leader says the goods they were carrying were for Prince Barhan; therefore he needs to be notified. Before he dies he tells you the goods were headed to Barhan Gateway, so you make the journey there.


You walk through a magnificent valley of cliffs and find the gateway to the great desert. After speaking to some officials there, they send you to Sand Grain Bazar, a little trading village right on the edge of the desert, to go and meet the Prince in person.

As a major hub that leads to the Valencian Desert, the Sand Grain Bazaar, also known as the Barhan Bazaar, is always crowded with various kinds of vendors. Although it's a military outpost used to guard the entrance to the desert, it is more like a bazaar for adventurers or vagabonds, thence the name. Some say that one has to go past the Bazaar to encounter the real desert. It is also the location of the most thriving camel market. If you've never crossed the desert before, you will need one of these animals. In the past the Gahaz Bandits used to live in the area, but were expelled by the Katan Military.

Barhan Nesser is concerned about the disgraceful incident and said they need to recover stolen trading goods. He asked you to go meet Ganin Arth at Barhan Gateway and join with the Katan Army, promising a good reward for helping him. You go to find her.

Ganin Arth is negotiating with the Bashims about the possibility of the Bashims protecting the Barhan Gateway themselves so that she can send his troops elsewhere. She sends you to meet the Chief of the Bashims, Torenandu.

You travel down a winding canyon filled with strange looking demi-beasts. You meet the Chief of the beasts and he is intrigued by the requests and asks you to test your worth in battle against the Bashims first.

Pleased with your efforts, he sends you on a mission to regain the Bashim's honor against the nearby Centaurs after an altercation between the two tribes. After infiltrating their base and wiping out a few of them on the way, Torenandu declares war on the Centaurs. He accepts the request from the Katan Army to maintain the Barhan Gateway, as it will prove a useful foothold for his war.

You return to Ganin Arth with the good news.

Now this issue has been resolved, he concentrates solely on the Prince's request about the missing trade goods. She sends you to the town of Shakatu to gather information.

You make the long journey there.

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You come to the thriving oasis town hidden in the canyon. Taphtar who is in charge of trading in Shakatu's Territory told you to meet the leader in the higher ground of Shakatu.

Shakatu said he was getting a difficult quest from Princess Saya and commented that you are both enlisted to do something for the Valencian royalty. Shakatu says what Princess Saya wanted was Black Dragon Crystal, and he says you need to help him first before he can help you.

Black Dragon Crystals are made from rare Black Dragon's energy, and energy not dissimilar to your own. You learn that the leader of the local Gahaz Bandit's has captured a few of these rare creatures and is holding them hostage at his base.

You head to his contact hidden high above the Gahaz Bandit's Lair on the outskirts of the town.

The contact, Viyarani tells you that in order to borrow some of the black energy you need an enchanted bead he possesses. After proving your worth against the bandits below, he hands over the enchanted black bead.

The black bead was created by one of Kzarka, The Lord of Corruption's followers in order to control and subdue the Black Dragons. The cult had always been thirsty for the Black Dragon's 'Pure Evil,' which has the strongest destruction nature and they had been controlling the Black Dragons for quite some time using the bead.

You fight your way towards one of the tied up dragons to steal its energy only to find that it has already been sealed away.


The voices of the captured black dragons echo's in your mind as they speak in harmony as they tell you that they requested to be captured, as the black energy they hold was too much for them to control. They say it is the will of destiny that you have come across them and send you to the leader of the Gahaz Bandit's who sealed them away, Gahaz Tuval.

Gahaz Tuval was once the greatest general in Valencia, and now a boss of a bandit gang after being persecuted as a traitor and was threatened to be killed while executing a secret royal mission. He chose to run over death.

Surprised and awed that the dragons had spoken to you, Gahaz Tuval tells you their history.

A huge meteorite fell on Valencia causing fragments of Black Stone to cover the canyon. Soon the Red Dust started falling and that's when the brown newts in the canyon started acting strangely. The red dust permeated the newt's body and most newts died after experiencing derangement. One particular newt survived that ordeal and its tail and body started to grow bigger and it skin started to harden. The newts skin started turning black and after a few years it became much larger. It was not a newt anymore.

The creature learned human language within years and it was gladly slaughtering other creatures. Humans called that creature of terror Garzar, which means evil spirit in Old Valencian. Garzar's egg hatched another black dragon and the herd craved for black stones more and more. Garzar and its herd who were purely after power became a target of Kzarka and his cult of darkness, and after being mentally tortured by the Lord of Corruption, Garzar started obeying him, and so did its herd.

'Whaaa?! You! Is your heart trembling or what? Calling me all of a sudden, huh? Hee hee... You just missed this Giant guy's interesting insight. History of Valencia... Heehee...'

Much entertained by the story of Gahaz Tuval, Black Spirit says you should go to Valencia City for more information. Since the desert can be dangerous, it suggests you go to Ibellab Oasis and learn how to prepare for your desert journey.

After following a guide to the Oasis in the desert, you talk to the merchants there who equip you with a camel and the necessary equipment to make the long journey. Grateful for their help, you head east, riding into the scorching morning sun.

Crossing the desert is physically hard, but what's scarier is to lose the sense of direction. Compasses often go out of order after a sandstorm causing many travelers to wander around the desert without any sense of direction, and some eventually die. The climate of the desert is polarising. It is burning hot during the day and harshly cold during the night.

Eventually you see an outline of a great city in the distance.


Now that you arrived at Valencia City, Black Spirit suggests finding some acquaintances first.

'Since we worked to get here anyway, let's get started on something. Do you remember what the fatty said? He said we're stepping into a danger... hee hee... I'll keep that in mind, but for the time being, I can't think of a goddamn face I'm familiar with. Can't help it. That prince guy is here, so why don't we go find him? He might be asking us about our task, so just make stuff up and leave him wondering, okay? Don't be scared. I'll protect you. Hee hee.'

The black spirit tells of a secret within the Valencia Royal Family and instructs you to find members of the royal palace to speak to.

Manmehan Nesser, another prince, knew that you were looking for something by Prince Barhan's request, and told you to bring that item to him, since he's the original owner.

After being warned that the finding the lost item will be very dangerous as it is a historical relic of Valencia and has something to do with the Founding Legend, you get sent to the keeper of the lake, Tatar.

Tatar says that the old Valencia Castle Site is somehow connected to the foundation of Valencia. You go to Valencia Castle and delve deeper into the secret. After gaining access to the deep dark cavernous basement of the Castle you see some ruins in the centre and firepits burning. As you walk toward them you slip and fall down a large hole in the ground, hidden by the darkness of the cave. You land in a secret cavern, with ruin-like structures in the centre.

You follow one of the tunnels and are greeted by a large cavernous room with pillars. Great ancient structures with glowing white light adorn the stone, much like in the one that awakened the Black Spirit. You feel the Black Spirit pulling within you.


This post was deleted by the writer.

EditedJan 27, 2021, 20:22 (UTC)

# 9

After exploring the ancient hall, you find a small room deeper still, with a ominous box in the centre on a raised pillar.


'Arrrrgh... What is this place? I think I'm going crazy. Scared... Is it what you call being scared? Ugh... Let's get outta here. I hate it here. And... that chest... I have a feeling that... you should never open it.'

Out of curiosity, you start to reach for the box. It's like it is calling you to open it. The Black Spirit stops you.

'This place is frightening. Something's pressing me down. Staying here any longer will put both of us in danger. Let's get outta here. That goddamn fortuneteller... He must have been trying to screw us. Let's hurry. It's really dangerous here.'

After pulling an ancient looking lever on one of the walls that the spirit guides you too, you are instantly teleported back to Valencia City.

You find out it was King Sahazad's command to make you meet Tatar, and in turn send you to the Valencia Castle Site. You seek an audience with him.

Sahazad Nesser asked you to help him find the key to the chest in the Cokro stone chamber basement, since that was what the whole royal house was looking for and the item you have been chasing all this time and that it is your fate to find it.

You get sent to Aakman in the southern part of the Great Valencia Desert. The Aakmans were massacred and banished in the past, but with the help of the current king, they have returned to the desert. They are the guardians of the Ancient Civilization.

Making the dangerous journey into the desert once more, you come across a tribal settlement almost buried in the sand. You meet an Aakman there called Atosa who tells you of the gruesome history of his tribe.

King Imur Nesser, ancestor of the current Valencian Monarchy, wanted to conquer the entire continent by force. When things went awry, he used the Black Powder to move the gigantic ancient man roaming around the Great Desert. Aakman constantly interrupted the king's plan. Imur eventually exploded and attacked Aakman using all the force he had. It was more like a massacre than an attack…

According to Atosa, you'll need a yet another ancient artifact to obtain the key to the Cokro chamber's artefact. He says that King Sahazad is foolish and that what is in the chamber is meant only for you as you are destined to open it. He says that nearby is the Crescents Shrine, occupied by Argos Saunils. It used to be where the great kings of the Ancients used to reside but has been taken over by savages, along with the artefact you need.

You slaughter the Saunil's mercilessly and return back to Aakman with the requested materials.

Atosa says the Black Spirit is the key to the artefact, and he's willing to help Black Spirit find some of its old power back and regain its true self. He makes reference to the ancient man walking around the desert and suggests you let the spirit absorb the power of the ancient constructs.

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You absorb power from the three ancient creatures what are able to move due to an ancient fragment in their bodies which function like a heart. It seems clear that the ancient fragment, around which the black spirit was awakened, has a tremendous power. There is a large bird called Puturum, a worm-like creature called Kutum and finally the ancient man, Ator.

The Black Spirit is shivering as if it is suffering. It has transformed again.

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'Hey... I'm blushing... Stop staring at me like that. I finally found my true form. And this place... where my fond memories live. Hee hee... Now it's your turn to change... Let's hurry to the stone chamber. We'll need the key first. I had it ready already. That spear and an ancient man's heart would make a spear to be used as a key. Hurry. Try making it. Let's head to where we should.'

You use the materials you have gathered and create the ancient spear, Kibelius. Nothing is known about the legendary spear, except that is was used by Edana long ago.

With the Black Spirit returned to its ancient self, it urges you back to the Cokro Chamber deep under the Valencia Castle site once more.

Pushing your camel to its limits, you arrive at the Cokro chamber in good time, sprinting back to that ominous small room in the depths of the darkness.

You come to that same stone box. You slot the spear in.

Suddenly a burning light enters your mind and you understand that the Black Spirit exists both in the past and in the present. Originally the Black Spirit has no shape other than a red core, but it gains knowledge and changing shape depending on the creature it is attached too. The Black Spirit must have been affected by some creature in the past to take the form of a little ancient humanoid encased in a stone armour. You take a stone slate with this information from the box for safekeeping.

'Remember that chamber? The chamber where we first got our power... Ancient Stone Chamber, was it? If I recall correctly... Someone's calling you from that chamber. There seems to be a link at the back. Let's move to the Ancient Stone Chamber. Let's hurry. Try using the device in the back.'

You pull another lever and in a blinding white light you are transported halfway across the world.

You are in a circular room at the back of the Ancient Stone Chamber, a place you could not access before. There is a levitating platform, which you stand on, and it lifts you above into another room.

You come to another large ancient looking hall, with a gigantic ancient construct curled up in the wall. Upon your arrival it starts to shift and move, making you startle and step back slightly.

It uncurls before you, planting two large legs either side of you with its large carved face looming down at you. It speaks of you being the descendant of its king.

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The construct reveals that it is the Guardian of Edana, and it has been guarding the ancient gate you are currently standing in since the dawn of time. It tells you that you have a lot of work ahead of you to control the black power and enlighten the unenlightened and to continue to explore the world. He assures you that you will meet again when it is time to open the ancient gate.

Are you really the descendant of Edana, the great ancient being you have heard so much about?

He sends you back to Valencia Castle Ruins.

'By the way...Don't you have to give this to the king? Hmm... Okay. I'll give you this. It's a nice counterfeit. Tell the king that it's the key to the ruins. Don't forget to tell him that it is sealed. Hahaha.'

Edan is outside the Castle Ruins. After a quick catch up, you give him the stone tablet from the chamber for safekeeping.

You return back to the Valencia Palace and give King Sahazad the fake artefact. Delighted, he rewards you with a ring fit for a monarch.

You leave the palace and wonder the streets of Valencia City.

You have much to think about.

EditedJan 27, 2021, 20:19 (UTC)

# 10

[Valencia Part 2 Story]

'You know what? There are some interesting guys in Valencia City. One of them is a guy named Afuaru who makes a living by grave robbing. So? Doesn't it tickle your curiosity? Let's go meet him.'

You travel past the camel market and over to a large grassy area near the tall walls of the city. Three goblins stand huddled in a corner.

Grave robber Afuaru in Valencia says his hobby is to find treasure in places nobody knows or places extremely dangerous, and he wants you to join the fun. According to Afuaru, there's an extremely precious book in King Sahazad's chamber.

You sneak into the palace and steal the book as requested. Afuaru instructs you to lean the Ancient Language so that you can read the book, ridiculing you for not knowing such a thing. He instructs you to steal a lake key, a star barnacle earing and a decorated matchlock from Valencian citizens and return them to him. You do as asked.

Grave robber Afuaru in Valencia asks you to give the 3 stolen items to other residents, and talk to them in the Ancient Language to practice your skills.

Afuaru wants to start working with you now. First, as the stolen book from the Royal Palace indicates, you investigate the royal tomb of Valencia to find something precious.

You make the journey north of Valencia once more to the all too familiar Valencia Castle site and the cavern beneath.


You use the digging tool as instructed and jump back slightly as you unearth another ancient construct like the ones you have come across before. It attacks you and you destroy it, returning back to the grave robber in Valencia empty handed.

According to Afuaru, Valencia Castle Site was merely bait, and what you saw at the site was Ancient Guardians. Afuaru knows where the Ancient Guardians were located in the past, saying you should be able to dig something out at the location he pointed. You head into the great desert to start digging.

After digging for a few hours under the relentless sun you discover a necklace, but bandits have long robbed the remaining treasure at the site. You return to Afuaru to show him what you have found.

Afuaru is content with your first gig, saying that you seem talented as a grave robber. Since you've learned the advanced ancient language, Afuaru suggested doing something more challenging.

Afuaru traded information with a scoundrel, but he hasn't received the detailed information yet even after paying money. You go to find Zobadi the scoundrel and squeeze some information out of him.

You run to the other side of the city to a quiet corner near the docks and speak to Zobadi. He gives you a location as to where some royal treasure has been stolen by some bandits. You go to investigate.

There was nothing there.

Turns out you also got scammed by Zobadi and upon returning to the city to find him, he has already fled. You speak to his colleagues and track him down to a dig site in the desert where a ruined ancient temple is supposed to be buried under the sand.


You meet up with Zobadi and race to find anything of value at the dig site before the other. You find a small box. Elated, you leave Zobadi in the desert and race back to Afuaru to show him what you have found.

Afuaru says the box once belonged to a Valencian woman named Eliza and that you should steal the key from Tatar the lake manager in order to open it. Once obtaining the key, you reluctantly give the grave robber both items.

After he sends you on yet another theft quest to steal a royal journal, he says that the journal has told him something about Golden Desert Coins and their immense value.

Armed with a gold bar, he sends you back to the familiar Gahaz Bandits to buy some information from them.

According to Maghed, your contact there, there was a record about the golden coins, but an internal fight at the gang caused it to be torn apart and lost.

You slaughter some of the bandits, which makes the Black Spirit purr with satisfaction inside you, and recover all the pieces of the record.

You go to the location in the far eastern desert and start digging. It takes a good number of hours but eventually you are rewarded with five golden coins.

The Black Spirit rumbles uneasily at the thought of forfeiting yet another treasure to the grave robber.

'Hey... You... Are you stupid, or are you just too nice? Why do you go out of your way to help that worthless goblin while you get nothing in return? Sigh...What kind of partner are you? Enough. Let's teach that Afuaru a lesson.You remember that guy from last time? Zobadi, was he? You know, the one who hates Afuaru. Let's sweet-talk him. I'm sure he's nice enough to help you out.'

According to Zobadi, Afuaru usually sells robbed articles to faraway lands, which is why he always deposits them in Arehaza. You'll need Afuaru's storage key in order to snatch Afuaru's stuff.

You use Afuaru's old tricks against him and steal from him while he is distracted. Equipped with his key, you ride as far east until land meets ocean to a remote town called Arehaza and collect his bundle of treasure.

Instead of honouring your deal with Zobadi and splitting the treasure in half, the Black Spirit has other ideas.

'Okay... Nice. This is what I wanted. You're not taking this to Zobadi, are you? Please don't. We just got what we wanted. Let's take this to that king guy we met the other day. Maybe he'll give us something spectacular.'


The king was elated to see you again and very pleased with your gift of the grave robbers treasure. He rewards you with a ring akin to the one he gave you last time, making it a complete set now.

You leave the palace, pleased.

The Black Spirit suggests you give both Zobadi and Afuaru a common ancient iron coin each, claiming they are the lost coins of the desert. Unbelievably they believe the fakes and thank you for your gift!

'Good job, hee hee... Those bastards made us suffer so much. Well... We should continue our journey. Where should we go? Don't forget that I'm always on your side!'

Black Desert Large Cylinder Ruins Tree Knowledge
